Stay Wild
Our Mission
Inspire all to conserve and enjoy the natural and cultural
resources of the White Tank Mountains
The White Tank Mountains stand in the path of one of the fastest growing metro areas in the nation. How do we make sure the natural beauty lives on? The White Tank Mountains Conservancy and our many partners are working together to create an innovative approach to balance population growth and development with nature.

The White Tank Mountains Conservancy wishes to acknowledge the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust financial support, which has made it possible for collaborative work on the wildlife corridor initiative. Many stakeholders, landowners, and city partners have been brought together to share our common ground on a regional approach for the future of development and conservation in the West Valley.
The Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust was established upon the death of Nina Mason Pulliam in 1997 to support the causes she loved in her home states of Arizona and Indiana. The Trust seeks to help people in need, protect animals and nature, and enrich community life in metropolitan Indianapolis and Phoenix. Since its inception, the Trust has distributed nearly $341 million to 1,004 organizations. For more information visit

To The White Tank Mountains
Get Involved
There are many ways to help
Southwest singer-songwriter Nancy Elliott
pays homage to the White Tank Mountains

“The White Tanks kiss the sunset, out where the eagles fly, and her peaks blush rose in the morning light against a turquoise sky…….”
Desert Defenders
Help us identify and remove non-native plants
Identifying and removing invasive plant species is critical to ensuring the White Tank Mountains “Stay Wild”. As a Desert Defender, you will learn how to identify, map and remove non-native plants that can threaten wildlife and contribute to wildfires.

Our Parks
Skyline Regional Park

White Tank Mountain Regional Park

Now Available
White Tank Mountains Regional Connectivity Initiative Speaker Series Videos
No matter what time of year, hiking the trails in the White Tank Mountains can be challenging, even for the experienced hiker. Before you go, check out our Tips from the Trails brochure for useful information on desert safety and how to handle emergencies.

The Conservancy has been covered by a variety of media and news outlets. These include
- Arizona's Family News
- Critical Mention
- Green Living Magazine
- ...and others